You are currently viewing the Queensland Globe help section. If you need to conduct a search for an address, lot on plan, suburb, or location of interest, please use the search functionality within the Queensland Globe.


1 Version release date: 5 October 2023
2 Version release date: 12 December 2023
3 Version release date: 22 January 2024
4 Patch release date: 29 January 2025

Queensland Globe version 2.15 includes the following feature enhancements:

  • In-session alert messaging, which allows users to receive alerts directly within their active Queensland Globe session, as opposed to relying solely on information displayed on a banner page.
  • The ability to re-order layers is supported for user-added data files using the Sort User Data Layers option. 1
  • Inclusion of the Extrude options within the Group Symbology tool, allowing for extrusions for a group of polygons to be enabled or disabled. 1
  • Changes to layer behaviour for imported user-added data files that contain 3D data. 1
  • Upgrade to the Coordinate plotter to allow for an elevation mode and vertical offset value to be specified when entering a known coordinate. 1
  • Upgrade to the Change style tool. 1
  • Elevation mode options for Places and User-added data files. 1
  • The Elevation tool allows you to examine the elevation of a location in 2D, and it may also provide precision-related details. 2
  • The geometry of 3D places is now editable once the place has been added to the Places panel. 2
  • Enhancements now enable users to draw 3D polylines. 2
  • Polylines (2D and 3D) can now be extruded in both 3D and 360 modes. 2
  • The Colour picker allows users to apply personalised colours when drawing. 2
  • Experience the enhanced line style options by utilising the newly integrated drop-down menu, which facilitates the selection of various line styles. 2
  • When working with polygon features using the drawing tools, users can now access a drop-down menu to choose from a variety of fill styles. 2
  • Enhance your query options with the newly available In operator, enabling users to filter data based on multiple specified values. 2
  • The latest update introduces new sorting functionality for organising maps and places. 2
  • The map section now includes folders, providing users with enhanced organisational options. 2
  • QGov and LANDS accounts were upgraded to the Tell Us Once platform. 3


1 Version release date: 9 June 2022
2 Patch release date: 29 June 2022
3 Patch release date: 19 July 2022
4 Patch release date: 17 August 2022
5 Patch release date: 29 September 2022
6 Patch release date: 18 October 2022
7 Patch release date: 16 December 2022
8 Patch release date: 14 February 2023
9 Patch release date: 8 March 2023
10 Patch release date: 12 April 2023

Queensland Globe version 2.14 includes the following feature enhancements:

  • Create 3D places using the sketch widget in 3D and 360 view mode. The elevation of the places (above sea level and relative to the ground) are displayed in the bottom left corner of the map view. Once the 3D place has been accepted, this is available within the attributes of the place. 3D places can be created for point, rectangle, polygon and circle features. Line, ellipse and text can be added using the drawing tools in 3D and 360 mode but these will be added as 2D places. 1
  • Extrude places in 3D and 360 mode. The extrude tool can be applied to both 2D and 3D places. Extrusions can be applied to drawn rectangle, polygon and circle features. This tool can also be used for polygon places that are added using the search tool (e.g. Lot on plan) or the identify tool (e.g. Locality). By default the extrusion settings are +/- 100m. These values can be adjusted by the user. 1
  • Measure height of a 3D place, the height of the place (above sea level and relative to the ground) are displayed in the bottom left corner of the map view. The height from the ground is displayed on the map. 2
  • Upgrade to the Node.js back-end environment supporting the Queensland Globe. 2
  • Include MGA coordinates in the displayed attributes for point places added via the coordinate tool. 3
  • The symbology applied to places can be displayed in the legend. A checkbox to hide places in the legend has also been included. 3
  • The places legend has been incorporated into the print tool. 3
  • Show legend in extent only has been added to assist when a large number of layers are being displayed. 4
  • Show mini map will show you where you are in Queensland. 4
  • Time to farewell the take tour, have a look at our newly extended help. 4
  • ArcGIS JS API 4.23 upgrade. 5
  • ArcGIS JS API 4.24 upgrade. 6
  • The Label offset tool has been introduced to Queensland Globe to offer the ability to adjust the placement of labels added to places.7
  • MongoDB v5 upgrade. 10


1 Version release date: 7 September 2021
2 Patch release date: 8 February 2022
3 Patch release date: 3 March 2022

Queensland Globe version 2.13 has had a software currency update and now includes the following feature improvements:

  • Address search functionality allows the usage of a / within an address e.g. 2/100 Zeller St Chinchilla. 1
  • Lot on plan search functionality has been updated to give users the ability to search for a BUP Lot Plan. 2
  • Improvements have also been made to user-added imagery capability. Users can import a zip folder containing an image and world file downloaded from QImagery, where the .JPGW contains a rotation value greater than 0. The image will be added as a layer that can be saved to a map. Please be aware that these images are geolocated only. If further refinement is required, the georeferencing tools can be used to adjust. 2
  • KML and JSON files that contain multiple geometry types can be exported and imported. Once imported these will display each geometry type as a separate layer. 3
  • Portal items can be taken offline. 3
  • Support for BUP/Lot on plan search to merge results where multi-part polygons are returned. 3
  • Improvements have been made to the elevation profile tool to incorporate bathymetry information and to allow for profiles greater than 50km. 3


Version release date: 1 September 2020

Queensland Globe version 2.12 is a production release aligned with GeoResGlobe release cycle. The intention for this release is about the introduction to the integration of GeoResGlobe with the GSQ Open Data Portal, which allow users to spatially search for open file geoscience data and reports in the portal.

View the Integration with GSQ Open Data Portal tutorial video to learn more.

The new features available include:

  • Add Group - This allows you to add groups to the places panel to assist in organising added places. When a new group is added, select Append, then add places to that group from the My Places.
  • Group symbology - Offers the ability to change the symbology or add labelling to all the places in a group.


1 Version release date: 15 May 2020
2 Patch release date: 16 June 2020
3 Patch release date: 1 July 2020

Queensland Globe version 2.11 updated functionality for coordinate related tools to include GDA2020 datum. This release also included the Swipe tool was a new feature and expanded existing functionality to allow users to add geojson files and secured services hosted on ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS to the Queensland Globe.

The updated features include:
  • Ability to Add portal items that are only shared with groups or organisation to the Globe as added data. 1
  • The coordinate readout shown in the left bottom corner of the screen have been updated to display both GDA2020 and GDA94 coordinates. Clicking on the coordinate value toggles between latitude/longitude in decimal degrees, Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) or MGA Easting (E) Northing (N) and Zone (Z). 2
  • DMS coordinates updated to show two decimal seconds 0° 00′ 0.00″ 2
  • The Coordinate tool allows for GDA2020 lat/long and MGA coordinates to be entered. 2
  • Ability to add geojson files to the Queensland Globe as added data. 2
  • Improved display of the legend for feature services. 2
  • The Swipe tool allows for comparison of imagery and data layers within two swipe mode options (Horizontal and Vertical). 3


Version release date: 31 October 2019

Queensland Globe version 2.10 brings further enhancements to the performance of the Queensland Globe as well as additional security for data and services.

The updated features include:
  • Increased application security, including updated security for web services and user added data.
  • New ways to import CSV data as a line or a polygon.


Version release date: 26 June 2019

Queensland Globe version 2.9 adds updates to existing tools, and introduces the ability to Georeference images added to the map.

The new and improved features are:
  • Updated statewide imagery.
  • New Scale bar, additional Coordinates toggle option, and navigation to Previous or Next zoom locations.
  • Toolbar updates with a new user interface and more detailed tools, including a Measurement tool.
  • Places and certain layers can now have labels displayed or hidden.
  • Ability to add .JPG or .PNG images to the Globe and Georeference them.
  • Improved querying with the option to return results that fall within the current map extent.
What is Georeferencing?

The new Georeferencing tools allows a logged in user to add an image (in a .PNG or .JPG format) into the Queensland Globe as another layer. Once the image is displayed, the tools will activate and enable users to edit the size, location and rotation of the image. When happy with the general size and placement, control points can be added (or removed to warp the image to 'fit' onto the map at user specified locations).

To find out more about the Georeferencing Tools, please refer to Georeferencing section within the Queensland Globe help.


Version release date: 3 January 2019

Queensland Globe version 2.8 introduced Queensland Globe Offline.

Queensland Globe Offline lets you copy layer and place content in saved 2D maps to the browser cache on your laptop or android tablet. This content can then be accessed when using the device in areas that do not have internet coverage.

While Offline, you can:
  • Query and Identify layers within the map.
  • Pinpoint your location through GPS (if you are within the extent of your map).
  • Use the Drawing tools to mark places on the map, which can be transferred back to your online maps. For more information, refer to Bring your offline data back.


Version release date: 4 October 2018

Queensland Globe version 2.7 works towards enhancing the overall performance of the Globe and adding more functionality to existing tools.

Some of the updated features include:
  • Saved Map size increase (can now save maps up to 10Mb).
  • The accuracy of measurement has returned to the standard of previous versions.
  • The Queensland Globe utilises the Web Mercator map projection. This projection is the most commonly used coordinate system used in web applications to show world extents. Its strength is that it preserves direction and the shape of data, however the downside is it distorts distance and area.
  • The use of the Queensland Globe for the purposes of precise measurement is not advised. Please refer to the Disclaimer notice on the Welcome page for further details.
  • Symbology set on places is retained when exporting .KML files.
  • Imagery capture dates are available using the Past Imagery Tool.
  • Performance enhancements to reduce map loading times.


Version release date: 3 July 2018

The latest features introduced to the Queensland Globe in version 2.6 bring in greater potential to explore the virtual 3D environment, as well as providing more detail to existing imagery services and a new tool to view historical aerial photography.

Some of the updated features include:
  • A new view mode called 360, which enables the viewing of 3D data both above and below surface level.
  • Past Imagery tool that works with QImagery to show some of Queensland’s historical aerial photography within the Globe environment.
  • Updates to allow for 3D printing services.
  • New layer types will be labelled to display their best viewed mode (2D, 3D, 360), as well as specific layers only being usable in certain view modes.


Version release date: 24 April 2018

The latest updates to Queensland Globe bring in more freedom and functionality when drawing and editing, consistency between application platforms, and a variety of general updates and streamlined changes.

Some of the updated features include:
  • Updates to drawing tools and enabling movement (panning and zooming) while these tools are in use.
  • Ability to edit places and view attribute data.
  • Tablet and mobile devices in particular have additional features to more closely align with what is available on PC/Computers.
  • User data changes to better match the format from the webservice it is imported from.
  • Saved maps now save the orientation/rotation of the screen when loaded.
  • Printing updates with a defined scale, coordinates, and a location map are now included.
How can I pan and zoom while drawing?

The tools to utilise movement without using the mouse to navigate have been implemented through the use of keyboard buttons. Users are now able to pan around the map with the arrow keys, zoom in with "+" and zoom out with "-". These keyboard shortcuts can also be used from the Num Pad (provided Num Lock is off). Rotation has also been provided to the keypress of "a" and "d".


Version release date: 21 February 2018

Continuing with customer focused improvements, the latest version 2.4 has additional import and export functionality as well as general upgrades. It maintains the progress on increasing usability and cross platform compatibility.

Some of the updated features include:
  • Import a SHP file as a layer.
  • When importing shapefile content it must be contained within a zip file and must include the mandatory files .shp, .dbf and .shx. The other shapefile file types can also be included but are not mandatory.
  • Import a GPX file as a layer.
  • Export places or identified features within a layer to a SHP file.
  • Export a 2D map to ArcGIS portal for use in ArcGIS/ArcGIS online.
  • Upon selecting Export Map, you will be asked to sign in to your ArcGIS account to complete the process. You can then access your exported Queensland Globe map in ArcGIS Online.
  • Please note: Exporting OGC (WMS, WMTS) services, HTTP services and layers with usage conditions such as the Imagery and Valuation layers out of the Globe to ArcGIS is not available.


Version release date: 20 December 2017

The new version fixes a number of bugs and performance issues, there are known issues with printing in Internet Explorer, Chrome is recommended for printing. There are two noticeable changes for users:

  • The view that you have created will now be retained when you sign-in, not lost as has been happening
  • The identify tool has been changed to assist in reducing the number of clicks. Some data services have also been modified to contribute to reducing the number of clicks.
What is new with the identify tool?

Select first item - Selects the first item returned when you click anywhere on the map to display information (attributes and features). You can now toggle through to display the various layers that are turned on.

Continue identify after select - Continue to explore additional features and view the data relating to the layers that are turned on rather than needing to select the identify tool each time.

Please note: The buffer slider can expand or reduce the radius of selections underneath your mouse pointer. Drag the buffer bar to the right to increase and left to decrease. In the Layers panel the number of items will be listed. Click on the arrow to view the features and attributes.