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Data used under licence from other parties

Commonwealth electoral boundaries

This product (Queensland Globe) incorporates data that is © Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Electoral Commission) 2013.

The Data (Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (various years)) has been used in the Queensland Globe with the permission of the Australian Electoral Commission. The Australian Electoral Commission has not evaluated the data as altered and incorporated within the Queensland Globe, and therefore gives no warranty regarding its accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose. You may use the Queensland Globe to load, display, print and reproduce views obtained from the Data, retaining this notice, for your personal use, or within your organization only.

Postcode boundaries

The Queensland Globe contains Postcode boundaries provided with the permission of PSMA Australia Limited.

Tourism Data

Includes material from the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) - Australia's national platform for digital tourism information in Australia.

Satellite imagery

The Queensland Globe contains imagery from the SPOT constellation supplied under licence by Astrium Geo-information Services.

This data was captured in 2009, 2012 and 2013-2015 and requires attribution: © CNES reproduced under licence from Airbus DS, all rights reserved.

The Queensland Globe contains imagery from the Planet constellation supplied under licence by NGIS Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Planet.

This data requires attribution: © 2023, Planet Labs PBC. All Rights Reserved.

The Queensland Globe contains imagery from the DMC-3 constellation supplied under licence by Earth-i Ltd.

This data requires attribution: Includes material © 21AT © Earth-i, all rights reserved.

There is no warranty regarding its accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose.